Kindle Farm Wellness Policy: Nutrition and Physical Education

The intent of this policy is to ensure compliance with the local policy requirements of the federal Child Nutrition and WIC Reauthorization Act of 2004. In accord with those requirements, this policy has been developed in consultation with parents, students, representatives of the school food services authority, school administrators and the public.

It is the policy of the Kindle Farm School to establish goals for nutrition education, physical activity and other school based activities that are designed to promote student wellness. With the objective of promoting student health and reducing childhood obesity, the school will also establish nutrition guidelines for all foods available at school during the day.

I. Nutrition
1. To the extent practicable, nutrition education shall be integrated into core curricula areas and be identified as a learning objective for health education as enumerated in the Vermont Framework of Standards and Learning Objectives as part of the Kindle Farm School health education plan.

2. All food provided to children at Kindle Farm School will meet the Dietary Guidelines for Americans and the nutrient standards established in the regulations of the National School Lunch Program (7CFR 210) and the School Breakfast Program (7CFR 220)

3. All school activities, including classroom practices, celebrations and incentives, are consistent
with the sound nutrition practices.

4. Our food services program participates in the "offer versus serve" method of meal service. A wide variety of healthy foods are offered and students are encouraged to make wise food choices. Good food habits are encouraged through the modeling of appropriate portions, suitable variety and preparation techniques that emphasize high quality nutrition.

5. Our food is served in a home-room model. The rooms are clean, safe, pleasant and inviting places. The rooms’ atmosphere is monitored regularly to ensure that meal times are relaxed and pleasant. The noise level will be kept low. The meal periods provide adequate time to eat and are scheduled at appropriate hours.

6. Fund raising activities of school groups are consistent with the nutrition standards of the food service program and the nutrition principles taught in the classroom. Candy food sales are prohibited. Anyone wishing to sell food items in the school at any time must first obtain permission from the school administrators giving them a list of products to be sold.

II. Nutrition Promotion

1. Kindle Farm is Vermont’s prime example of a Farm to School Program. We operate a 1 acre organic vegetable garden and actively grow as much of the produce and vegetables from seed to plate which encourages a healthy relationship to farm fresh food. This is a daily program that all students participate in.

2. Kindle Farm offers multiple types of culinary classes to all students including Iron Chef (2017 Winners), Life Skills Cooking and Culinary Skills.

3. Kindle Farm provides food service flexibilities, such as breakfast in the classroom, grab and go meals to increase meals access.

4. Kindle Farm provides periodic food promotions through Food Connect’s Food of the Month to encourage taste testing of health new foods being introduced on the menu.

5. Kindle Farm offers nutrition classes and culinary classes to all students in an ongoing basis. This happens during elective times in health class, life skills culinary classes, and mandatory farm nutrition classes offered in summer.

6. Students select their menu options a week ahead of time due to the behavioral nature and complexity of the program. This staff lead process encourages increased consumption of fruits and vegetables and a culture of trying new foods at the school.

III. Guidelines for ALL foods Available on School Campus

1. Kindle Farm provides clean and potable water (tested by Simons Operations quarterly) throughout the day at no cost to students.

2. Celebrations that involve food will be limited to one per month and only allow foods that meet Kindle’s nutritional standards.

IV. Physical Education

A. Goals for Physical Fitness/Education/Activities
“Quality physical education programs positively impact students’ physical, social, and emotional health. The healthy, physically active student is more likely to be academically motivated, alert, and successful.”
~ Council of Physical Education for Children

1. By incorporating a variety of skills, concepts, and activities into the curriculum, it is the goal of The Kindle Farm School to instill a passion in the students for lifelong physical activity. Quality physical education programs provide opportunities for children to understand the importance of physical activity and to acquire skills to combat a sedentary lifestyle. Activities will be chosen that convey the joy of physical movement and are fun.

2. Physical Education curriculum shall be proficiency based for development and assessment of knowledge and skills for student physical literacy.

3. Kindle Farm will implement Fitnessgram Assessment as it becomes implemented state wide.

4. To the extent practical, Kindle Farm shall strive to provide other physical activity opportunities for students through our frequent breaks and recreational activities.

5. To the extent practical and available and as appropriate, before and after school activities such as interscholastic athletics and physical activity clubs or intramural sports will be made available.

6. We will strive to meet the National Association for Sports and Physical Education recommendations which suggest a minimum of 150 minutes per week for elementary school students and 225 minutes per week for middle and high school students, including opportunities outside the normal school day.

7. Physical education shall benefit from thoughtful, periodic, content specific program and professional performance review that drives continuous improvement.

8. Provide appropriate indoor facility for poor weather recess which allows for physical activity.

9. Breaks occur before lunch.

B. Instructional Program Guidelines
1. Physical education instruction K-5 will have a minimum of 150 minutes per week. PE instruction grades 6-8 will have a minimum of 100 minutes per week.

2. All students in grades K-12 will be engaged in at least 30 minutes of physical activity during each school day. Physical activity shall not replace physical education.

3. No child may be removed from recess repetitively.

C. Facilities Guidelines
1. In addition to the annual safety inspection, the physical education/physical activity facilities and equipment will be inspected on a daily basis for safety.

2. The school shall minimize interruptions to scheduled physical education classes.

3. Adequate storage for sports equipment shall be planned prior to purchase of equipment.

D. Curriculum Guidelines
1. The physical education report card will include reporting of cognitive, social, and physical skills.

2. The curriculum shall use developmentally-appropriate components of a health-related fitness

3. The curriculum shall offer students multiple opportunities that prepare them for a variety of lifetime physical activities, including but not limited to traditional individual and team sports and non-traditional activities.

4. The curriculum shall develop students’ competence in their own physical abilities to build self-confidence and motivate participation in physical activity. Activities are conducted to provide for a maximum participation.

5. The physical education program shall be closely coordinated with the overall school health program. Physical education topics shall be integrated within other curricula areas.

E. Inclusion (Adaptive Physical Education)
1. The physical education or adapted program shall include all students, with support as necessary.

2. Professionally trained adaptive physical education support shall be provided by trained personnel.

3. A student with a chronic health problem or other disabling condition is permitted to participate in any physical education program, extra-curricular activity, including interscholastic athletics, if the student’s skill and physical condition meet the same qualifications as other students. The school shall make reasonable accommodations to allow the student to participate with medical/parental clearance.

V. Physical Activity Guidelines
1. In addition to physical education class time supervised unstructured and/or structured active play, commonly referred to as breaks and activity, shall be offered daily for all students K-12.

2. Adequate supervision will be provided at recess to ensure the safety of all children. Instruction shall be provided for all faculty/staff.

3. Students must be properly attired to participate in outdoor activities and recess. In cold temperatures the school shall encourage students to wear a coat, headwear, gloves, and weather appropriate footwear.

Policy Implementation
1. The Director or his/her designee shall monitor school programs and curriculum to ensure compliance with this policy and any administrative procedures established to carry out the requirements of this policy.

2. The Director or his/her designee shall report at least annually to the board on the school’s compliance with law and policies related to student wellness. The report shall include an assurance that school guidelines for reimbursable meals are not less restrictive than regulations and guidelines issued for schools in accordance to federal law.

3. School personnel will collaborate with parents and the community to support these guidelines and the promotion of life-long health habits.

4. The School Wellness Committee’s role shall provide support and resource for the administrative oversight of the policy.

5. The Kindle Farm Wellness Committee will have 5-10 members including representation from the community, administration, and food service staff. The wellness committee will meet at least 4x a year.

Initial Adoption: 7/1/08
Revised 1st Reading: 7/1/14
Revised 2nd Reading 8/3/2016
Revised Final Reading: 9/1/17

Cross Reference:
Council of Physical Education for Children, 2001
Vermont Framework for Standards and Learning Opportunities
Vermont Physical Education Grade-Cluster Expectations
EFC - Free & Reduced Price Food Services
EF-P – Wellness/Nutrition Procedures
Legal References:
16 VSA §§131
16VSA §906
Code of Federal Regulations 7 CFR Part 210 and Part 220
Child Nutrition and WIC Reauthorization Act of 2004, Section 204 of Public Law 108-265
Child Nutrition Act of 1966, 42 U.S.C. 1771 et seq.
National School Lunch Act, 42 U.S.C. 1751 et seq.