Student testing season arrives in spring

By Miriam Schuldenfrei

As the signs of spring approach, so does the student testing season in schools nationwide. Though Kindle Farm does not exaggerate the importance of this testing, we expect that students will approach the test with seriousness and confidence. We aim to administer the tests in an environment where students feel supported and safe enough to try their best. These tests provide information for the federal government, as well as state and local districts, in terms of funding and school and student progress. Above and beyond the state testing, students at Kindle Farm demonstrate their skill levels and content understanding in multiple ways daily. 

In preparation for the testing experience, students practice employing self-regulation and test-taking strategies. These strategies include taking breaks, asking for help, and identifying what students do and don’t know, and are applicable throughout a student's school days or any other structured activities. Since not all students participate in the statewide standardized testing, many use the time to practice for driver’s license tests, college entrance exams, or other similar experiences. 

While state testing is particular to this time of year, our ongoing academic work continues throughout the spring. For example, high school students explore electromagnetism in Science class, while elementary students experiment with gravity, inertia, and friction. After finishing up writing plays in Language Arts, many students are now investigating the art of persuasive writing through advertisements. Along with morning academic work, students continue to experience cross-curricular activities all afternoon while getting out into the community for Winter Immersion adventures all day on Wednesdays! As always, we feel lucky for our rich and varied learning opportunities every day.

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